Sunday, June 2, 2013

Here I go.....again

How SAD is it that a YEAR has passed since I last blogged?! last couple of blogs have been about my complete failure as a blogger.  Surely, I have something more worthwhile to write about than that?  I'm not going to say that I have this renewed sense of urgency about writing--I mean, I know that I should be doing it, I just haven't.  I will admit that I do think about it from time to time....  Especially on days that I have to get up when it's still dark outside--the thought of meeting the sun on the deck with a hot cup of coffee on the table and a screen waiting for me to fill it with words is beyond inviting--much more so than the commute that is usually ahead of me.  Well, it sounds inviting, but what if writer's block strikes instead--would I then long for the stability of the commute?!

I've been spending time reading blogs lately--most of them linked to pins that have caught my eye on Pintrest (sidebar:  PINTREST! Oh, I can and have gotten lost in the joy of Pintrest for hours! So MANY good things in one place. It's a blessing...and a curse!).  There are SO many blogs out there--good ones--have I missed the boat?  What if it's too late for "The Scratching Post" to be a player in the blogosphere?

But then, I think, "Have all the good books been written?" and "Aren't there new bestsellers every year?".  So, now I'm thinking, of I have a perspective and a voice.  Both my own.  Both GIFTS from God, the original creator.  Surely, I, too, can write a blog.  A good one.  That will inspire and amuse at a few.  So, I AM a blogger--be it once a month, once a year, or even, dare I say--once a week. 

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