Monday, February 22, 2010

Just SAYIN' (#1 in a series of Brief Random Observations)

Welcome to my first BRO--Brief Random Observation. Here's why in a nutshell: we often see and experience--sometimes against our will--unexpected things. Some good. Some bad. Many provoke us to spend more time thinking about them than we'd like, and after spending said time on this one, I have something to SAY....

While recently stopped at a traffic light near my neighborhood Publix, I saw that a new shop was opening in the plaza: Brazilian Waxes by _______. (I can't remember who the "by" was because I was stuck on the Brazilian wax part.) I'm not sure if these shops are popping up in other parts of the country, so please let me know in the comment section if they are.

Do we REALLY need salons that specialize in Brazilian waxing?! ANYWHERE that does full body waxing already offers them, so I'm at a loss as to why we need to have shops that exclusively perform this service.

1. I don't want walk to through a parking lot, see someone walking out of the neighborhood Brazilian wax salon and conjure up a mental picture of what they've just had done.
2. I don't want to answer the "Mommy, what's a 'Brazilian wax'?" question.
3. I don't want anyone to give me a referral to their "fabulous" waxer (waxologist?).

Brazilian waxing is not like tanning or getting your nails done--I mean you are in COMPLETE control of who knows that you've had it done. If that's your means of accomplishing your personal grooming, it should be your business. I don't want to know about it and going into "Brazilian Wax by _______" tells me more than I want know.

I'm just sayin'.

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